Sunday, February 26, 2012

2 kids / health insurance / child support?

ok 2 kids dad is paying child support including health insurance all the money is included in one check order by the judge he is ok with that, mom had the kids insurance under her policy because under dads was to much and he prove this in court she is not working now what happens now does he pay for private health insurance or does she pay with the money she get from child support and if he pays does he has to modified child support ?2 kids / health insurance / child support?Check answer to your other question on this.2 kids / health insurance / child support?If the mother was handling the health insurance and lost her job, it is up to the mother to get private health insurance since health insurance is being deducted out of the father's child support. However, if this is unable to happen, then this needs to go back to court for modification, and if the father ends up carrying the children under his company policy (which may be expensive but would probably offer better coverage) then he will be paying less child support to the mother.2 kids / health insurance / child support?The person who has the money for the insurance is responsible for providing the insurance. Right now that is the mother. She either needs to go back to court to change the order or pay for insurance out of the portion of the check that is for insurance.2 kids / health insurance / child support?
well where shall we start

is there anybody in the usa that can actually put a sentence together that is grammatically correct

and does not start with ok or right

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